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Arapahoe Library District Summer Reading Program

카테고리 없음

by copgovulno1980 2020. 2. 14. 15:06


Friends of arapahoe library district

A new library web catalog is here!On February 26, Bemis Public Library joined the Marmot Library Network consortium. Marmot membership will allow Bemis Library to share resources with more than two dozen other public and academic libraries throughout Colorado, and will allow Bemis Library patrons to receive requested library materials more quickly. Patrons will be able to borrow from a collection of more than 3 million items in the library catalog as a result of this update!What is 'Bemis?' (pronounced bee'-mis)Read a digital copy of Edwin A.

Arapahoe library district ebooks

Library Summer Reading Program Schedule

Bemis' autobiography, a fascinating account of one of Littleton's most accomplished citizens. The book includes many stories about early Littleton and local personalities.